Sunday, May 13, 2007

Wester Front again

This chapter/section realy starts to show what the soldiers do to compensate mentally for the war. They get new reinforcements and get to feel like veterenas. it makes them feel powerful, but they also feel like they are being hypocritical because they hate the power ladder of the army. They all gather around and propose different ways to cope rather than war, one guy says that the leaders of each nation should battel to the death instead of armies, but then they realize that all leaders are cowards. So they think of their own leader Himmelstoss, and loathe him. Paul is in a blood rage and him and his friends amush Himmelstoss and beat him. This chapter really starts to develope Paul as the war changes him. He is becoming instinctuous and angry.



Western Front Blog

Paul is truley haunted by the war. All he can do is think about his old life and how foolish he was to leave it behind when it was just staring to get good. He begins to think about all the patriotism coaches that tricked him and his friends and feels distant witht everyhitn besides his friends and death. He despises the fact that they are at war, but is thrown back into reality as Kemmerich begins to die. Paul tries to comfort him but he sees his missing leg and begins to weep. When pual returns he is already dead.

This gruesome account really puts the reader into the pychological factor of war. And how tragic it is that young men are lured into war when they have their whole lives ahead of them. This chapter was definitly written to show the mental side of things and not just the bloodshed.



Saturday, April 28, 2007

Mrs. West, im sorry but im switching to All is Quiet on the Western Front

Well, i felt that The Big Over Easy was too childish for me, and I'm very interested in WWII. Considering this is supposed to be the greatest Film and book ever written, i just had to indulge. So i guess this is my 4th blog considering literature. I started with Herman maier, changed to the big over easy, now im on this. Im sorry but i just had to. So far, characters are being introduced and a basic background is being made through the author's notes or whatever you call them before the book. Thats about it

im a pain,


Monday, April 23, 2007


ok so we had a banging party at my house tonight, new faces, new fun activities, all a hootin tootin good time. When all of a sudden this baboon Claire Olstad turns to the movie "The Fog". First and foremost id like to point out that this is the worst movie of all time. Its like every idiotic person in the world came together to numb the entire american population and create drones of stupidity. WELL IM NOT FALLING FOR IT! OOOOO SCARY!!! an idiotic director went broke because he spent all of his money on "the idiots guide to..." series and in a stroke of absolute genius, thought up the idea of making fog into a monster. BOOOOOOO are you scared? because thats about the equivalent horror factor to "the fog"
In fact, i could go so far as to say that this movie actually made me wish for a gun in my hand. I hope this director was automatically beaten with an ugly stick and thrown into poverty after this movie was made. how dare you.

You suck


Chris Sharma AKA lord of the boulder

this is me in 2 years or so. be amazed

LOL Second Over Easy POST!!!!!!LOLOLOL

DUDE! so omg Jack Spratt has finally uncovered what case hes been assigned to with Mary Mary, and it is....HUMPDY DUMPTY!!!!! OMG OMG!!!! apparently humpty wasn't a suicide or an accident, on closer inspecion of the body by the Nursery Crime Division, it was a murder! for all you n00bs out there, a murder involves foul play. I think its a really creative approach to showing the subtle but amusing qualities of Jack Spratt. So far he has been a blan washed-up nobody, but with the help of Mary and a break with a big case, hes showing his potential. Also i predict that the so called hot-shot "hero" Det. Chymes, will somehow be related with the murder. Maybe he does all the crimes he solved, thats why hes so damn good!??!?!?!?! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! thats all i can say for deep literary things for now

Peter (favorite student)

MRS WEST RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

JUST KIDDING MRS WEST. im reading The Big Over Easy now

hahahah well. Id have to say this book is so funny i acutally LOL. i love the names. So far its explained all about the NCD (nursery Crime Division) and Jack Spratt. I can tell hes a hero in disguise and is a great man. I also think this is somehow a mockery of sorts of the British Police Force. Thats just me thinking deep though. parallels are really thorough and i think im onto something. Thats about it though so i cant be much deeper.

Mrs West is the coolest!!!!!

Peter (favortie student)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mr Anthony Quattrini

today since im a fat whiney girl im going to tell NOBODY about my deep feelings for tony quattrini, hes so dreamy. no one is even listening but you my speical little blog, i love you. BECOME REAL SO YOU CAN GIVE ME ADVICE about my feelings that no one cares about. UGGHHH what to do, what to do blog.

<3 TONY <3

Monday, April 16, 2007

Hermann Maier: The Race of my Life

Pretty much the best book ever. I haven't even read it yet and i know its going to be badass considering hes an austrian beast and is superior to anyone. I know this story is going to be a deep self journey to the Athlete he is today. I love you Hermannator


im so cool everyone, im cooler than all of you. im stronger, faster, more agile, and much much cooler than you. Stop crying you girls, stop blogging, its stupid. No one cares about your feelings.