Monday, April 23, 2007


ok so we had a banging party at my house tonight, new faces, new fun activities, all a hootin tootin good time. When all of a sudden this baboon Claire Olstad turns to the movie "The Fog". First and foremost id like to point out that this is the worst movie of all time. Its like every idiotic person in the world came together to numb the entire american population and create drones of stupidity. WELL IM NOT FALLING FOR IT! OOOOO SCARY!!! an idiotic director went broke because he spent all of his money on "the idiots guide to..." series and in a stroke of absolute genius, thought up the idea of making fog into a monster. BOOOOOOO are you scared? because thats about the equivalent horror factor to "the fog"
In fact, i could go so far as to say that this movie actually made me wish for a gun in my hand. I hope this director was automatically beaten with an ugly stick and thrown into poverty after this movie was made. how dare you.

You suck



CJ Bear said...

i hate u

Bill M said...

well i love you

Anonymous said...

yeah, im with bill on this one, i totally roflmao all over the place.

took me for a ride on the LOLercoaster if you know what i mean.

Mike Mooty said...

Peter rocks