Monday, April 23, 2007

LOL Second Over Easy POST!!!!!!LOLOLOL

DUDE! so omg Jack Spratt has finally uncovered what case hes been assigned to with Mary Mary, and it is....HUMPDY DUMPTY!!!!! OMG OMG!!!! apparently humpty wasn't a suicide or an accident, on closer inspecion of the body by the Nursery Crime Division, it was a murder! for all you n00bs out there, a murder involves foul play. I think its a really creative approach to showing the subtle but amusing qualities of Jack Spratt. So far he has been a blan washed-up nobody, but with the help of Mary and a break with a big case, hes showing his potential. Also i predict that the so called hot-shot "hero" Det. Chymes, will somehow be related with the murder. Maybe he does all the crimes he solved, thats why hes so damn good!??!?!?!?! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! thats all i can say for deep literary things for now

Peter (favorite student)

MRS WEST RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tess said...

peter set the date! ok? even though you have not heard of the book i am currently reading it was very good. jst to let you know. i love you picture by the way. beautiful.

Cwik said...

i love you tess<3
5$ says peter says something like well she doesnt love you back or says something mean about me posting on his wall...
you owe me 5$.

Cwik said...

not if its bs.